Adult Ministries
On The Way
“On the Way” is the process by which we welcome new members into our community at Immanuel. The process is broken up into 4 steps, Inquire, Explore, Prepare, and Discover. Each step of On the Way is an opportunity to gather around the Word of God and reflect on our relationship with Jesus Christ. The end of each step is marked by a specific rite or ritual of the church. Our journey follows an ancient process of welcoming adult believers to the church. For those not baptized, it is initiation. For the baptized it is a way to deepen faith and strengthen ministry.
Inquire: A relaxed time of sharing stories of life and faith in everyday life. We discuss the roles of grace, belief, worship, service, and community in our lives.
Explore: An opportunity to study, pray and experience the landscape of the Christian life in the Lutheran Tradition. A “sponsor” from the congregation joins you in your journey as you discover scripture, the creeds, and the liturgy used in worship.
Prepare: Deepen your understanding of Baptism and the Eucharist. Taking a look back at how God is active in our lives and world and looking forward to Baptism, if you are not baptized, or affirming your baptism if you are baptized.
Discover: Recognize the gifts that God has already given to you and exploring how you may use these gifts in service to God and to others.
For more information, or to get involved, contact Pastor Monte 773-743-1820
Women of Spirit
The “Women of Spirit” is the women’s ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church. All women are invited to join us in helping with various church events. We commit ourselves to: Grow in faith, affirm our gifts and support one another in our callings. As part of all this, we share fellowship and friendship.
Some of our past activities include:
- Creating holiday care baskets for our shut-in members.
- Making palm Crosses for Palm Sunday Worship
- Planning meals for special occasions
- Assembling school supply kits and quilts for Lutheran World Relief
- Assisting the church in finding special projects outside of the norm.
For details on future events, email the church office at
Getting Here
Public Transportation: We are conveniently located about two blocks from the #22 Clark bus and a ten-minute walk from the Thorndale red line station.
Parking: On Sundays, parking is available at Senn High School (5900 N Glenwood Ave) half a block south of the church. An accessible drop-off location is located directly in front of the church entrance on Elmdale Ave.