Entries by Pastor Monte

Birth Pangs

Proper 28B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago Do you see these windows and that great red granite cross? “Not one stone will be left upon another,” Jesus said (Mark 13:2b). On this […]

A Passion for Justice

Proper 27B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago Jesus is in Jerusalem. It is the week of the passion, the final week of Jesus’ life. He rode in with shouts of Hosanna three […]

Come Out!

All Saints B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago The ancient Celtic Christians believed the veil between heaven and earth becomes especially thin at this time of year.  Through the lens of autumn […]

Seeing What Blind Bartimaeus Sees

Proper 25B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago Fall has come to Chicago.  The incandescent season, when the trees reveal their fiery colors, the sky turns deep blue, the air is cool, and […]

Worldwide Web of Belonging

Proper 22B-24—St. Francis, pet blessing Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago  Word of God Word of Life?  For the second week in a row the declaration following today’s gospel feels more like a […]

With One Voice

Proper 21B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago Moses has finally had enough. He has confronted Pharoah, eluded the Egyptian army, crossed the Red Sea, come face to face with God at Mt. […]

The Disciples’ Dilemma

Proper 20B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago While the world wages war, Christ calls us to wage wisdom. Waging wisdom requires highly specialized armaments. James made us a list. Outfit yourself with […]

Lifting the Veil

Proper 19B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago “Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:27). Jesus and the disciples are walking toward Caesarea Philippi. The city was well known for its […]

Faith Lived in Love

Proper 18B-24 Immanuel Lutheran, Chicago Today’s gospel is an English translation of a Greek text about a man who didn’t write but who spoke and taught in a third language […]